Association des Diététistes de soins Primaires
Blending the science of nutrition with the art of food.
Professionnels enfusion de la science de la nutrition et de l’art de l’alimentation.

Thu, Mar 10
KTE - Trauma Informed Care Julia Stanislavskaia, RD
Please join us on March 10th! Julia Stanislavskaia, MSc, RD will be providing valuable education in support of providing our patients a trauma-informed approach to care in hopes of improving patient engagement through provision of safe spaces and healing relationships.
Time & Location
Mar 10, 2022, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST
About the Event
Trauma is prevalent and all-too-often underreported, yet crucial, relevant and necessary given so many in our communities of care will encounter some level of trauma at some point in their life. At the core of creating a safe environment through trauma-informed practice, is the creation of visceral safety and empowerment for our patients, which then yields to a healing relationship. Continuing to build a trauma-informed society and healthcare approach is critical to ensure patient-centred care.
Trauma Informed Care
Members can attend KTEs for free - discount will be applied at checkout.
CA$50.00+CA$1.25 service feeSale ended