Association des Diététistes de soins Primaires
Blending the science of nutrition with the art of food.
Professionnels enfusion de la science de la nutrition et de l’art de l’alimentation.
The Primary Care Dietitians' Association (PCDA) supports and advocates for dietitians working in primary care across Canada. Our mission is to advocate for access, capacity and integration of primary care dietitians in support of providing medical nutrition therapy, disease prevention & health promotion.
PCDA's 2024 Annual Conference theme is:
Critical Insights in Primary Care Nutrition
Dietitians provide care for, and advocate on behalf of Canada's diverse population.
Dietitians are committed to continued education and development.
Dietitians are trusted experts who influence every area of food and nutrition.
Registration is Coming Soon!
More details coming soon!
Thanks for your patience! We're working hard to gather all the info you need for a complete update. We want to make sure everything we share is accurate and useful. Stay tuned—more details are on the way, and we can't wait to share what we have planned!
Benefits of sponsoring the PCDA's Annual Conference include:
showcase support of primary care dietitians and the Canadians we provide care to
network - create and maintain relationships with professional target audience
increase brand visibility - placement amongst influential healthcare professionals
create buzz - launch a new product, service or campaign
confirm your company's commitment to healthy, balanced lifestyle
Click the button, below, to explore our sponsorship packages.​
More details coming soon!
**All conference registrants agree to the Primary Care Dietitians' Association's virtual conference terms and conditions. To review the full agreement, please click HERE.