Association des Diététistes de soins Primaires
Blending the science of nutrition with the art of food.
Professionnels enfusion de la science de la nutrition et de l’art de l’alimentation.
The PCDA celebrates Black History Month.
Every February, people across Canada participate in Back History Month events and festivities that honour the legacy of Black people in Canada and their communities.
The 2024 theme for Black History Month is: “Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build”.
This theme celebrates the rich past and present contributions and accomplishments of Black people in Canada while aspiring to embrace new opportunities for the future. (Government of Canada, 2024)
The PCDA also would like to recognize the work that needs to be done within our societies, and more specifically the nutrition and dietetic community, to dismantle the systemic barriers that adversely impact Black communities.
The PCDA is celebrating Black History Month by curating and sharing a list of resources (below) for our members compiled by the PCDA Executive Team & DEI Committee members: Tameika Shaw, Christina Tran, and Laurie Michael. This is in no way an exhaustive list, and we encourage all to make connections within your communities for many more opportunities to learn and reflect.
Provincial & National Resources (not limited to each region):
Organizations and educational resources on the history of Black communities in Canada
Newfoundland Black History Month
Nova Scotia African Heritage Month Information Network
New Brunswick Black History Society
Quebec Mois Histoire Des Noirs
Saskatchewan African-Canadian/Black History
BC Black History Awareness Society
Yukon Statement from Premier Pillai on Black History Month
Black Advocacy Coalition Up North
Educational & Academic Resources:
Navigating Race in Canadian Workplaces
Black History Month 2024: 29 Canadian Black History Facts You Should Know
View of Karens: Examining White Female Power Dynamics in Dietetics
Accounts to Follow:
Tracey Frimpong - That Black RD @thatblackrd
Diversify Dietetics @diversifydietetics
Jessica Wilson, RD @JessicaWilson.MSRD
Rosie Mensah, RD @rosiemensah
Dr. Heather Irobunda, OBGYN @DrHeatherIrobundaMD
Podcasts & Video:
Celebrate Black History Month on CBC
The history of colonialism and slavery still impacts Black people in Canada