Association des Diététistes de soins Primaires
Blending the science of nutrition with the art of food.
Professionnels enfusion de la science de la nutrition et de l’art de l’alimentation.
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WELCOME! The Primary Care Dietitians' Association (PCDA) officially launched in April of 2020 to support and advocate for registered dietitians working in primary care across Canada. We started as the Family Health Team Registered Dietitian Network in 2006 and have grown over the years to now include dietitians working in various primary care and outpatient settings, private practice and aboriginal health access centres. As a group of dietitians, we are here to support one another in our practice and share our knowledge base to enhance best practice within primary care.
Benefits of PCDA membership:
Access to patient resources, EMR tools and standardized tool kits.
Advocate for primary care dietitians, both provincially and federally.
Support and advance our profession and leadership within the primary care environment.
Continuing education through webinars and KTEs provided free to all members.
Peer support through PCDA's listserv.
Access to Nutrition Care Manual.
Recognition of dietitians working in primary care.
Discounted rate for annual PCDA conference.
Interest Groups; e.g. Virtual Practice, Critical Care, Northern Regional Group, Dietetics Student Support, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, etc.
Development of regional strategies to improve patient care and access to primary care dietitians.
Primary care dietitians are the leaders in equitable and inclusive medical nutrition therapy for our communities and clients..
Encouraging primary care dietitians to become highly skilled in providing equitable and inclusive medical nutrition therapy, disease prevention and health promotion through collaboration, education and mentorship. We advocate for access, capacity and integration of dietitians within comprehensive primary care.
Evidence Based Practice
Interprofessional HealthCare
Collaboration & Sharing
Continuous Learning & Improvement
Diversity, Equity &Inclusion
Mentorship and Preceptorship